Monday, November 21, 2005

witty methodically

2 hours, 32 minutes ago
. . "He also committed another journalistic sin -- commenting on National Public Radio and (CNN's) "Larry King Live" about the Plame investigation without disclosing his early knowledge of Plame's identity," Howell wrote.

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Ecuador touched

Frist, who is retiring from the Senate next year, said he will decide after the 2006 congressional elections whether to seek the White House. . Ayoob and Tedford both expected the former City College of San Francisco quarterback to become the next great passer in a long line of future NFL quarterbacks coached by Tedford.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Gregorian pounders

And Holt has managed to win election to the House four times in a Republican district. . Watergate became the umbrella term for several scandals: "dirty tricks," including money laundering and the burglary of Democratic headquarters, to steal the 1972 election in favor of

Richard Nixon; illegal wiretaps and break-ins used to silence and smear anti-Nixon critics like Daniel Ellsberg, who leaked the

Pentagon Papers; and the cover-up symbolized by the erasure of 18 crucial minutes from a subpoenaed tape.